Friday, March 12, 2010

mystery solved


A couple weeks ago, we were stumped.  The media cabinet was locked to keep button-loving preschool fingers off of the stereo equipment.  However, we couldn’t find the key.  Finally, Chris noticed that the key was right in front of us:  inside the locked cabinet, taunting us through the glass.  We had no idea how it got there, but we were relatively sure of who was responsible.

After we puzzled over it for awhile, we decided to chalk it up to another inexplicable side-effect of parenting.  I used a wire hanger to jimmy open the cabinet and we didn’t think about it again.  That is, until this afternoon when we heard Z announce, “Fachary has key!”  He ran over to show me the key to the media cabinet, and then he trucked on over to the media cabinet itself.  It was locked, so he stuck the key in the keyhole to wiggle it around a bit.  Then he carefully slid the key into the crack at the top of the cabinet door.  AH HAH!

So there you have it.  That’s how a key gets inside of a locked cabinet.

(And that’s not a typo up there.  Z pronounces his name with an “F”.)

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