Thursday, February 25, 2010

Now available in 3D


After nearly 7 months of existing primarily in a horizontal plane, Mei-mei is very close to inhabiting vertical space as well (this is just a really geeky way of saying that she’s sitting up)!  Kind of.  She’s still very bendy and she supports herself with her arms, and if her head moves anywhere off of the z-axis she tips over, but it’s a start!

In addition to sitting up, she’s already an expert at rolling over.  She rolls her way around the room pretty quickly (she’s usually got her eye on a toy), so I have to keep tabs on her before she disappears under the couch.

This is starting to feel dangerously close to mobility.  I’m not sure I’m ready for that, and I know Cowboy isn’t.  He’s already got his paws full just trying to stay out of Z’s way!

1 comment:

Kristy Mouti said...

If I hadn't attempted calculus in high school, your blog would be over my head with all this talk about planes and the Z axis...I wouldn't be surprised if Joe Moore shows up in my nightmares tonight. :)