Dear Mei-mei,
I can't believe you're already six months old! You have been such a joy to get to know these past months, and I can't wait to learn even more about how you think and feel in the coming years. Since the day we met you, you've been such a calm, contented baby, happily watching your brother or catching our eye to give us a huge grin. Even though you still nurse like a pit bull, you have been a sweet and patient girl in every other regard. You watch us with those startling blue eyes which are so full of curiosity, innocence, and sometimes, steel (you can make it VERY clear when you think I'm being ridiculous). When I hold you, you grab onto my face, neck, hair, fingers -- whatever you can reach -- and snuggle in. You coo and babble and you laugh if you see one of us laughing (especially your brother). You rarely complain and can be consoled with a cuddle or a song when you are unhappy. You put everything into your mouth, although it seems that your favorite thing to chew on is cloth (a blanket, towel, your cloth dolls, your clothing, my clothing). When you are tired, you suck on your thumb and curl your fingers around your nose, then cover up your eyes with your other hand. When you are excited, you kick your legs and screech happily. I keep trying to take pictures of the top or back of your head so that I can remember your bald spot and fuzzy little noggin, but you always crane your neck around so that you can see me. So instead, I'll remember how you always want to see what's going on and make eye contact.
I am so proud to be your mother and I am honored that I get to help you grow into a fabulous and strong woman (although my more immediate focus is to help you grow into a fabulous and strong sitter-upper -- you're still a folder-in-halfer when it comes to sitting up by yourself). Thank you for joining our family and for being my sweet girl.