Saturday, December 12, 2009


This afternoon we were celebrating Festivus with friends when Z got his finger smashed in a door hinge.  He was very brave and let us hold an ice pack on his hand to keep the swelling down, and after a few songs, cuddles and kisses, he was ready to sing to They Might Be Giants again.  We don't think the finger is broken, but it's very swollen and there's a small cut, and I'm sure the entire thing will be black and blue when he wakes up tomorrow.  He avoids using it (he says, "finger hurt" and holds it out to be kissed), but he can bend it a bit and uses it when he forgets that it hurts.  So it will probably be fine.

The problem is that it's the middle finger on his left hand:  the one he sucks on to comfort himself.  He holds his Blue dog and sucks on his fingers to help himself fall asleep, and it just broke my heart to see him put Blue up to his face, start to put his fingers in his mouth, and pull them out again saying "finger hurt".  He kept trying to put his fingers back in his mouth, but couldn't do it.  The poor sweet boy.  I hope that he's able to fall asleep tonight (he's in his crib singing TMBG songs to himself right now).

Incidentally, TMBG has a song called "Fingertips" that used to be one of my favorites.

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