Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy 10 months, Li’l Miss!

How has the time gone by so quickly? My little Miss is already 10 months old today!
My precious girl, in just 10 months you have added so much joy and sweetness to our lives.  Everyone comments on how happy and content you are, and it’s so true.  You are always looking for a smile and you kick and screech happily when you see Daddy, Z, or me.  Lately you’ve been a little shy with strangers, but in spite of gripping my hair or neck fiercely, you still offer a small grin to anyone who smiles at you.  You have gotten very vocal (and LOUD – people are often surprised at the volume a tiny body like yours can generate) and have started making noises that sound an awful lot like words (“hi” in response to my greeting, “ma” when you want my attention, “moe” when you want more food).  You’re not crawling yet, but you are moving very quickly around on your belly.  You also do a lot of rocking on your hands and knees, so I know that crawling is just around the corner.  You are generally happy to eat anything, although you’re still not a big fan of chunky textures.  You love to watch your brother and try to play with whatever toy he has (and he’s very good about giving you another toy to play with before he takes his toy out of the room where you can’t follow him).  You like to turn (and chew on) the pages of the books we read to you, and you especially like “Goodnight Moon”.  You are very curious about things you can hold in your hands, and you turn them around and around to check out all their sides before putting them in your mouth.  You are very patient about your somewhat inconsistent nap schedule (you get a later nap 2-3 mornings a week because we have to take your brother to preschool or other activities), and you have been sleeping 12 hours through the night since you were 9 months old.  You are happy to ride in whatever stroller or carrier we put you in, but you’ll only nap in the Phil & Ted’s.  We moved you to the big car seat a few weeks ago, and while I am still getting accustomed to it, you adjusted quickly.  You are very social and hate to be left behind in the play room if we are doing something in another part of the house, so you belly-crawl to the gate and chew on or shake it while yelling for someone to come get you.  You’ve perfected your supersonic screech, and I’m sure dolphins and dogs around the world look for earplugs as you practice your echolocation skills.  You got your first two teeth when you were 7 months old, and seem to have decided that two are enough for now.  You are showing more and more of your feisty, extroverted personality every day, but the primary quality that shines through everything is your sweetness.
You are growing up so quickly, and I cherish every moment I get to share with you.  I love you, my sweet girl!
whp-8088 whp-0777-2 whp-0306
*Yes, I realize I use the word “sweet” a lot in this post.  I tried to come up with another adjective, but “sweet” is really the one that describes my Little Miss best of all.


Heligirl said...

On my gosh she is ADORABLE! I also so love your photography my dear.

They do grow so fast, don't they? I feel like that second one has grown twice as fast as the first because I was so busy keeping up with his big sister throughout his infancy.

Enjoy every moment with those precious little babes and thanks a ton for the wonderful advice in the Heligirl community on sibling rivalry. I so value your suggestions. :)

thisblissfullife said...

simply beautiful!