Monday, May 3, 2010

First day

First dayMy sweet boy went to his first day of preschool today!  He’ll be going two days a week at least through the summer, and will probably increase to three days a week in the fall.  I was nervous about his first day, but he, in typical Z fashion, was excited and completely unfazed by the idea of starting something new.  He likes to recite “to-do” lists (“Wake up…change diaper…go downstairs…eat snack…wash hands…get Mei-mei…GO PLAYGROUND!”), and every list ended with “GO PRESCHOOL!” this morning.

I wasn’t sure how the drop-off was going to go, but it was super easy.  I introduced him to the head teacher, Miss Aida, and he immediately started exploring.  She took his hand and showed him where the play area is and he happily trotted off, calling back, “Bye-bye Mommy I love you!”  So that was that.  He was good to go and it was only 9:02 AM.  It reminded me of how I agonized for weeks over when and how to wean him.  Before I got around to actually doing it, he decided on his own that he was done with nursing and never looked back.  He’s like that.

When I went to pick him up at 1 PM, Miss Aida said that he had a really great first day and was very happy.  He wanted to explore a lot so they helped redirect his attention, but she said that he was cooperative and didn’t melt down at all.  They went on a nature walk, which he really enjoyed, and the first word on his daily report sheet was “busy”.  Yep, that’s my Z!

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