Tuesday, November 3, 2009

11 on a scale of 1 to 10

Last night I did a miraculous thing (or at least Mama thinks it's miraculous): I slept for ELEVEN hours straight! I went to bed at 7:15 AM and didn't wake up to nurse until 6:20 AM. Of course, Mama woke up at the normal times (1:30 AM and 4 AM) but she didn't bother me -- she just lay on the bed staring at the ceiling and concentrating really hard to make sure she could hear me breathing. She's hoping this is the first of many nights of long sleep, but I'm not sure if I'm going to continue this or if it was just a fluke.

So this whole sleep thing has been interesting. Mama tells me that she worked very hard to help Z get into a healthy napping/sleeping schedule when he was my age. She paid attention to when he was getting tired and put him down in his crib to nap, and once she figured out his natural sleep rhythm, she made sure to be home for his naps three times a day.

Fast forward to MY napping schedule. I've been a pretty good sleeper from the get-go, and now I'm settling into a regular schedule as well. However, does Mama rush home to put me in my crib when it's time to nap? Oh no. She can't because we're usually out and about, taking Z somewhere to play or blow off steam. So I nap in the car seat, a carrier, or the stroller. The only time I have a consistent nap at home is during my lunchtime nap, and that's only because we have to be home for Z to nap too. Luckily, I don't mind this arrangement so far. I'm pretty happy sleeping in a carrier, although I'm not as thrilled about the car seat (too constraining) or stroller (too bumpy).

Night sleep is a different story. I've started going to bed around 7 PM, right after Z goes to bed. This ends up making bedtime a busy time: Daddy gives Z a bath, hands him to Mama to dress, gives me a bath, hands me to Mama to dress while he takes Z upstairs to read a story and put to bed, then Mama nurses me and puts me to bed.

I sleep in my co-sleeper, although I'm starting to outgrow it and Mama is worried about where to put me next because Z is still in the crib. And I started off sleeping in Mama & Daddy's room, but then I moved to Z's room about a week ago. Mama was worried I'd wake Z up when I cry, but surprisingly, he sleeps right through it! However, she moved me back to her room two nights ago because I've been waking up a lot with a stuffy nose. Once I'm not so congested (from either a cold or acid reflux, or a combination of both), I'll go back into Z's room. Or rather, OUR room.

And maybe I'll start sleeping through the night regularly...

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