Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Negotiator

Z has a pretty effective way of negotiating. He says what he wants several times, until you repeat it back to him. Then he says, "OK" as if it was your idea and he's just being agreeable. Here are some examples:
Z: Outside, walk. Outside, walk.
Mama: You want to go for a walk outside?
Z: OK!

Z: Jee ho, sing. Jee ho, sing.
Mama: You want to listen to the song, "Jai Ho"?
Z: OK!

Z: O Donts, eat. O Donts, eat.
Mama: You want to eat a donut from Mighty O?
Z: OK!
He tricks me into offering him what he wants every time. Clever little boy.


Kristy Mouti said...

Cute! Wait until he wants to borrow the car to "go to a movie."

wenmei said...

He got me again today at lunch. "Ca! Ca!" "Avocado? You've got avocado on your plate." "Mama ca. Mama CA!" "What, you want to eat Mama's avocado, even though you have your own?" "OK."


Anonymous said...

Growing up with consultant type parents how else can he be?